Reformasi Informastion Services (PT Ris) is an independent political risk consulting firm specializing in the analysis of investment conditions in Indonesia. Products include the Reformasi Weekly service, strategic consulting, customized research and syndicated reports.


This subscription service enables foreign investors and international organizations to better assess the Indonesian operating environment. The service features a weekly, 12-16 page electronic report, as well as the provision of ad hoc research and briefings. The weekly service has continued without interruption since 2003.

INTRODUCING THE 2019 Election Primer

A comprehensive guide to the April 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections -- 60 pages of proprietary research, analysis and graphics. Profiles players, assesses trends and analyzes implications for investment and reform. Read more


Reformasi: The Struggle for Power in Post-Soeharto Indonesia is a non-fiction narrative that charts the course of Indonesian politics between 1996 and 2001.


Reformasi: The Struggle for Power in Post-Soeharto Indonesia, is a non-fiction narrative that charts the course of Indonesian politics since 1996. Building on the author’s experience as an independent political analyst, and referenced with over 1,000 notes, Reformasi provides a chronological account of the financial collapse, the downfall of Soeharto and the circumstances surrounding much of the period’s politically related violence. The account explores the consequences of cronyism, weak electoral accountability, ‘Ruler’s Law’ (versus rule-of-law), and the military’s role in politics and business. Reformasi is published by Australia’s Allen & Unwin (2002).

Who’s Who in the Yudhoyono Era: The syndicated report provides detailed factual and analytical assessments of more than 100 Yudhoyono-Era officials, policy-makers and politicians.  The volume includes profiles for the cabinet, security officials, the leaders of major state institutitions, senior civil servants, political party chairs, parliamentary faction heads and major state enterprise directors.  The report also examines entities such as key state institutions and major political parties.  PT Ris produces the report in hardcopy and electronic format, for client use only.

PT Ris has produced three editions of Who’s Who in the Yudhoyono Era.

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