Reformasi Informastion Services (PT Ris) is an independent political risk consulting firm specializing in the analysis of investment conditions in Indonesia. Products include the Reformasi Weekly service, strategic consulting, customized research and syndicated reports.


This subscription service enables foreign investors and international organizations to better assess the Indonesian operating environment. The service features a weekly, 12-16 page electronic report, as well as the provision of ad hoc research and briefings. The weekly service has continued without interruption since 2003.

2019 Election Primer

A comprehensive guide to the presidential and parliamentary elections of April 2019. 60 pages of proprietary research, analysis and graphics by Kevin O'Rourke. Profiles players, assesses trends, and analyzes implications for investment and reform. Read more


Reformasi: The Struggle for Power in Post-Soeharto Indonesia is a non-fiction narrative that charts the course of Indonesian politics between 1996 and 2001.

7 February 2025

Reformasi Weekly examines the latest dynamics and analyzes the implications for Indonesia’s prospects.  Find out more by email or clicking ‘Free Trial’ button at right (no obligation or follow-up marketing).

Ref Wkly 25-02-07: Prabowo pledges ousters; Danantara mandate in place, Thohir in oversight; 5% GDP; Public Works budget cut 73%, IKN work halts; Dasco impugns Bahlil re LPG

Click ‘Free Trial’ at right to sample the report with no obligation.





Reformasi Weekly Review provides timely, relevant and independent analysis on Indonesian political and policy news. Delivered electronically every Friday, Reformasi Weekly is written by Kevin O’Rourke, author of the book Reformasi. For subscription information please contact. Reformasi Weekly is a product of PT Reformasi Info Sastra.
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